
The Lord is there for us.
We are there for each other.

Cards & Conversation

This weekly event serves a dual purpose. Every Monday at 10:30 am, our women’s group meets for this ministry of helping and encouraging others (the “cards” part) as well as the opportunity for fellowship and encouragement of each other (the “conversation” part).


Would you like to be a part of this great ministry? Let us know.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Hey guys, want a great breakfast and an opportunity for fellowship? We meet monthly during the fall, winter and spring months (we take the Summer off), typically on the third Saturday morning, 8:00 am, at the church building.


Come and join us! Tap or click here to let us know you’re coming, or if you’d like for us to send you a reminder.

Ladies’ Fellowship Events

The men have their breakfast, but us women are more diverse! The group may gather for a meal out at a local restaurant, organize a “tea party”, host a regional “ladies day” event, have a dinner and fellowship at the church building… or who knows what creative idea these talented and spiritual women might dream up next!


Come and join us! Tap or click here to find out more, or if you’d like to be notified about upcoming events.

Youth Activities

Whether it’s going to youth rallies in Orlando or Valdosta, having overnight “lock-ins” at the church building, coming up with creative ways to honor first responders, or any of a multitude of other fun activities… it seems these young people are always busy!


If you’re in the 6th grade through college-aged and want to become involved, or you’re an adult interested in helping to plan or chaperone these events, we’d love to hear from you!

Monthly Fellowship Dinner

On the first Wednesday of each month at 6 pm, our fellowship hall becomes the scene for our monthly fellowship dinner. The church provides the main course; members who want to bring a covered dish or dessert item can do so, but this is not required.


We welcome visitors to join us – you need only bring an appetite for good food! Tap or click here to let us know you’re coming, or if you’d like for us to send you a reminder. Or better yet, just show up… we’re not a restaurant, so you don’t need a reservation!