It's GOOD NEWS - of course we want to share it with everyone!


We’re always looking for new and effective ways to spread the Good News, to show our love of God, and demonstrate our love of people.


Hundreds of people from the U.S. have been involved in the work of the church in the historic town of Burrell Boom, Belize. The church there has grown from just a handful of believers to reach 100+ levels on recent Sundays. We’ve supported this work, both financially and through individual effort of volunteers traveling to Belize.


The church has grown, and now needs a new facility for worship. Their small building has served them for years, but is now filled beyond capacity most Sundays. Overcrowding will discourage new people from being a part of this church.


Tap or click here to see plans for their new building. If you’d like to donate or be a part of this great work in some way, let us know.

Mount Dora Children’s Home

Mount Dora Children’s Home (MDCH) has two main programs: the Single Parent Program, and a group home for children. Their dynamic programs seek to serve and positively impact children and families who need food, clothing, counseling and other basic needs – and a stable, healthy, safe place to call home.


Our support for MDCH has taken several forms, including financial support, donated goods… and a Christmas Party for the children and adults served by this home, a party we’ve hosted for them every year since 1986. For many of us, THIS EVENT is the true start of our Christmas season!


If you’d like to be a part of this great work in some way, let us know.

Cards & Conversation

Sometimes, it’s the simple, kind gestures that make the greatest impact.


Every Monday at 10:30 am, our women’s group meets and creates these simple and kind gestures: custom-made cards for those celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, or other important life events… those who are ill… and those needing encouragement.


Be a part of this great ministry. Contact us for more details.

Eastern European Mission

Since 1961, Eastern European Mission (EEM) has provided the Bible free of charge in over 20 languages to people in 30+ Eastern European nations. A risky and perilous activity during the Iron Curtain days, the newfound freedoms in some of these nations has raised an appetite for God’s word… an appetite that EEM exists to serve.


This organization does far more than just hand out Bibles. Recent war and unrest in some Eastern European nations has resulted in mass migrations of refugees. EEM has been on the scene in refugee locations, attending both their immediate physical needs and introducing them to the God who cares for them.


EEM is supported through donations. Tap or click here to visit the EEM website.